The Evolution of Optimal Path

You’ve seen it, they looked great on paper.  From any outside source, they had a good life, career, and family.  Then one day it all came crashing down. How does this happen?  How do high performers do such amazing work in one moment, seeming to have it all, and then all of a sudden, they crash?

This was me.

My path had great success, I achieved accomplishments that very few have earned.  I graduated as a Navy SEAL and Air Force Pararescueman, two of the toughest military training programs in the world. I had multiple degrees. I had a successful career as an officer, I was good at my job in the toughest conditions.  I had a beautiful family that I loved.  By all accounts I had a great life, and yet in 2018 I found myself crashing hard.  Where desperation, sadness, and shame overtook me as I watched the world around me crumble.

It doesn’t compute. Or does it? 

My journey from the top to the bottom was bewildering to me and surprising to others. I almost lost it all, but in my darkest moment, finding inspiration to move forward, I closed the door on my old self, and began a new journey. A journey into myself, my habits, and exploration of the life & people I want around me. What I learned along the way was powerful. So powerful that I found myself often saying, “people need to know this stuff”, and “I wished I knew this earlier”.

Optimal Path Coaching was born.

Now equipped with new skills and mindset, I realized the flaws in my past performance paradigm. I learned the reasons for my success and my failures. The transformation work I had done was neither easy or quick, but it was effective. I called upon everything I’d learned in the SEALs and as a PJ, as an officer and instructor, and all of my education. I consumed tons of information about healing, vulnerability, and every performance tactic available. Having a natural ability to connect a lot of dots, I used all of this to build a new performance paradigm where I still embraced the intensity of the work I loved, nourished my body to perform optimally, and created space for healing, rest, and growth. I had truly found a path to optimal living.

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